
What are the different myths and legends about vampires and where can i find one?

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What are the different myths and legends about vampires and where can i find one?




  1. Have you ever herd of Vlad the impaler?

    And theres the story of the warrior that was supposed to get married but went to war.Some one told his 'fiance' he was killed in battle.So she commited suicide.He came back found her dead and was furious.He took it out on the cross in the church and vowed to live forever on human blood.

    Alot of vampire stories are romanicized.Some one made a story romantic.

  2. Where can you find...a vampire?

    I would try Transylvania.

  3. I belive that all myths stared some where in a true story and I hope to find one just to see if there real & to see if its like all people there is good and bad in all, hopfuly i find a good one, but that is a chance just like life its self, and like all people they to can fly bye plain if neede so they couse be any where, most proble in biger citys not tinny lillte towns, but we can dream,,lol

  4. america. with such a big population center they are drawn here.

    vampires and werewolf's have always been opposites.

    vampires- the children of the night and werewolf's- the children of the moon don't  really like each other.

    vampires are fast strong and need blood to survive.werewolf's are fast strong and eat meat like deer or elk but like humans to. becoming either comes from being bitten OR ritually.

    suggestion if your thinking of becoming one go werewolf's they are much better. you can walk around in the day without getting sun Burned very badley. plus you turn into a wolf every  night.

  5. A lot of them are foreign but some say they were ugly demon looking creature but now we see more of the sexual seductive type. as to where you can find one.....tell me when you get an answer. cuz that's what im wondering too

  6. Vampires have been around for centuries in the folklore and mythology of most of the cultures around the world. Vampires were frequently seen as monsters, it wasn't until around the 19th century that they started being romanticized and portrayed as suave and sensual beings. One of the tales came from the story of Vlad Tepes, also known as Vlad the Impaler. He would impale his enemies and leave their bodies to rot as a warning to invading troops. His family was in the Order of the Dracul (or Dragon), which is where Dracula came from. There is a legend that he would eat bits of flesh and drink the blood of his victims. Bram Stoker based his vampire character Dracula after Vlad.

    Another tale comes from the story of Countess Elizabeth Bathory, also known as The Bloody Countess. She tortured young girls and drank their blood (and bathed in it and ate their flesh and so on) for 35 years before she was stopped.

    There are some great books that go more into depth around vampire folklore and legends, such as Vampires: Folklore, Burial and Death by Paul Barber; The Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia of the Undead by J. Gordon Melton; The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vampires by Jay Stevenson; Vampire: The Complete Guide to the World of the Undead by Manuela Dunn Mascetti.

    To meet a vampire is another story as most people don't believe they truly exist. And then you get the people who like to pretend that they are vampires. Either way, (it's like myspace) is a good place to talk to people who are into vampires and who knows, you might find a real one on there ;).

    Edit: Oh and Gotabedifferent is wrong, the "story" she is talking about is the movie Bram Stoker's Dracula. It is loosely based on the book, but the book did not contain a love story between Dracula and Mina.

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