
What are the different procedures of shutting down Linux operating system? ?

by  |  earlier

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What are the different procedures of shutting down Linux operating system? ?




  1. there are several ways :

    1. the easiest find the exit icon. :)

    read this complete before trying:

    2. open terminal , type : shutdown --help.

       you will see a detailed help how to use this command.

    3.format is like: sudo shutdown [option] [time]

    4.Example:  sudo shutdown -r 00:05

    this will reboot(-r) system after 5 minutes.(00:05)

    5.Example: sudo shutdown -h 01:00

    this will halt/power-off(-h) after shutdown in 1hour 0 minutes.

    6.Example: sudo shutdown -k now

    this will cause a false shutdown(only warnings, no shutdown)

    immediately! (as you typed now).

    7.Example: sudo shutdown -h +2

    shutdown(halt/power-off) in 2 minutes.

    8.SIMPLE: sudo shutdown -h now

    9.if there is enough time you can abort shutdown by

    pressing ctrl+c or type: sudo shutdown -c

    10. In case your display manager crashed etc. press Alt+ctrl+F6

        to switch to another tty(terminal), login and you can type commands

        here. you can also type above shutdown commands here.

    the ultimate method, well ,you know already :)

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