
What are the different techniques that can b used to explain s*x education to primary classes?

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tell me some effective tools..plzz help..ive 2 submit my assignment




  1. s*x education for students in 5th to 6th grades generally covers puberty topics.  s*x education in not typically covered in grades younger than that.

  2. If when you say primary education you're talking kindergarten through third graders, it doesn't have a place.  I am not a fundamentalist Christian.  I am a 1st grade teacher.  I just don't think s*x education is necessary so young.  If you're asking about say 5th or 6th grade students, (about 10 or 11 years old), it should focus on biology and changes during puberty.  There are curriculums for this age.  

  3. Difficult question. My teacher skipped those chapters. :)

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