
What are the different types of alcohol?

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i know beer and wine but not much else.

what are these: vodka, malibu, smirnoff




  1. Vodka is a type of alcohol.  Malibu and Smirnoff are brands of different alcohols.

    Types:  Whiskey, Bourbon, Rum, Tequila, Vodka, Cognac, Liquors, etc just to name a few.

  2. Vodka is a white alcohol.

    Malibu is rum

    Smirnoff is vodka.

  3. Hard Alcohol

  4. you have:



    Rum - Dark and Light

    Tequila - Anejo, Reposato and Blanco (silver)

    Whiskey - Scotch (Scotland) Bourbon (Kentucky) Canadian (Crown/ 7) the everywhere else is just Whiskey but there are many different types of distillation process that give each one a unique taste


    Liquors - Kahlua - Grand Manier etc

    Cognacs  - Hennesey, Remy etc

    Coordials - Triple Sec, Banana, Blue Caraco, etc

    man I am thirsty...

  5. Alcohol for sores......  

  6. Rum, vodka, gin, whiskey, vermouth, scotch, tequlia champagne, burbon,

    Malibu and smirnoff are brands.  NOT a spirit.  However, champagne falls in the wine category.   All the others are spirits.

    Liquours are different as well.  they are things like Kululah, and stuff like that.

  7. The three major categories of alcohol are beer, wine, and spirits.  Obviously, as you've already said, you know what beer and wine are. The term spirits refers to distilled alcohol. Some examples of spirits are: brandy, gin, whiskey, rum, tequila, and vodka.

    Vodka is one of the more popular spirits, and my absolute favorite. Malibu is a brand that makes various flavored rums. Coconut is their most popular flavor. Smirnoff is a brand that produces vodka.

    As I stated earlier, vodka is my drink of choice. And when I drink vodka, I drink Smirnoff because it is good quality but also very inexpensive. Smirnoff vodka is probably one of the most inexpensive spirits available. And I'm not sure if you are planning on drinking or if you are just curious, but I would highly recommend Smirnoff Green Apple Twist. It is my favorite.

    I hope I helped!

  8. Liquors

  9. Vodka is one of the world's most popular distilled beverages. It is a clear liquid containing water and ethanol purified by distillation — often multiple distillation — from a fermented substance such as potatoes, grain (usually rye or wheat) or sugar beet molasses, and an insignificant amount of other substances such as flavorings or unintended impurities.

    Malibu is a brand of rum. Rum is a distilled beverage made from sugarcane by-products such as molasses and sugarcane juice by a process of fermentation and distillation. The distillate, a clear liquid, is then usually aged in oak and other barrels. The majority of the world's rum production occurs in and around the Caribbean islands and in several South American countries, such as Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil, though there are rum producers in places such as Australia, Fiji, India, Reunion Island, Mauritius, and elsewhere around the world.

    Smirnoff is a brand of vodka.

    So you only know beer and wine? There's vodka, rum, brandy, tequila, whiskey, bourbon, schnapps in various flavors, champagne, gin, scotch . . .  Try going to to find out more.

  10. those are liquers

    they are much stronger and generally used in cocktails

    they will get you drunk quicker

    smirnoff is a vodka and malibu is an already mixed drink

    the liquers in their purest form are things like whisky, rum, vodka etc

    if you acctually had to ask this question don't drink  

  11. Try Everclear, youll love it

  12. There are three basic classes: Beers, Wines, and Spirits

    Some beer types would be: Ale, Lager, Porter, Indian Pale Ale(IPA), etc.

    Wines: I don't drink wine unless its free

    Spirits: Vodka, Whiskey, Scotch, Gin, Tequila, Rum, etc.


    Beer: IPA

    Wine: Free

    Spirits: Irish Whiskey

  13. Wow there is such an abundance of information on that subject it would be impossible to type it all here. I'll give you a few links and let you do your research at your own pace. Good luck!

    There are many more sites out there, but I thought these would give you a good overall view of the information you're looking for.  

  14. Vodka is a clear liquor. The others you mentioned are brand names.

    Clear liquors: Vodka, Rum, Gin, Tequila

    Dark liquors: Scotch, Bourbon, Blended Whiskey (Rye)

    Liquors basically come 80 proof (40% alcohol) compared to your wine at 12% or beer 5%. There are also liquiors and cognacs too. Ranging in % of alcohol contents. Some are flavored with fruit flavors.

    These are all equevelent: 4 oz wine/ 16 oz beer/ 1 oz liquor

  15. Rum: a sweet alcoholic tropical tasting liquer Brand Names: captain morgan and Malibu Used in Pina Coladas

    Vodka: smooth alcoholic unflavored liquer Brand Names: smirnof and absolut used in Martinis

  16. Spirits, beer, wine, liquers   Certain aftershaves, perfume, etc., etc.  Take my adice avoid them all, wish I had.  xx

    Wrecks your skin, wrinkles, ageing, risk of cancer and cyrrosis of the liver, happening in younger and younger deaths.  Think about that as I guess you are too young to know the dangers of what probably all teenagers think is cool = i.e. getting wrecked not just merry and happy.

  17. they are different kids of alcohol, but dont drink and drive

  18. _A brief description of alcoholic beverages

    Wines are made from a variety of fruits, such as grapes,

    peaches, plums or apricots. The most common wines are

    produced from grapes. The soil in which the grapes are

    grown and the weather conditions in the growing season

    determine the quality and taste of the grapes which in

    turn affects the taste and quality of wines. When ripe, the

    grapes are crushed and fermented in large vats to produce wine.

    Beer is also made by the process of fermentation. A liquid

    mix, called wort, is prepared by combining yeast and

    malted cereal, such as corn, rye, wheat or barely.

    Fermentation of this liquid mix produces alcohol and carbon dioxide. The process of fermentation is stopped

    before it is completed to limit the alcohol content. The

    alcohol so produced is called beer. It contains 4 to 8 per

    cent of alcohol.

    Vodka is one of the world's most popular distilled beverages. It is a clear liquid containing water and ethanol purified by distillation, often multiple distillation, from a fermented substance such as potatoes, grain (usually rye or wheat) or sugar beet molasses, and an insignificant amount of other substances such as flavorings or unintended impurities.

    Whiskey is made by distilling the fermented juice of cereal

    grains such as corn, rye or barley. Scotch whiskey was originally made in Scotland. The word "Scotch" has become

    almost synonymous with whiskey of good quality.

    Rum is a distilled beverage made from fermented

    molasses or sugarcane juice and is aged for at least three

    years. Caramel is sometimes used for coloring.

    Brandy is distilled from fermented fruit juices. Brandy is

    usually aged in oak casks. The color of brandy comes

    either from the casks or from caramel that is added.

    Gin is a distilled beverage. It is a combination of alcohol,

    water and various flavors. Gin does not improve with

    age, so it is not stored in wooden casks.

    Liqueurs are made by adding sugar and flavoring such as

    fruits, herbs or flowers to brandy or to a combination of

    alcohol and water. Most liqueurs contain 20-65 per cent

    alcohol. They are usually consumed in small quantities

    after dinner.

    Beginners alcohol 101  ; )

  19. Vodka is a hard liquor

    Malibu is a coconut flavored rum

    Smirnoff is a brand name.....they make vodka and flavored spirits which contain vodka

  20. my cuz was drinking blueberry beer the other day..very strange

  21. Vodka




    Irish Whiskey

    Tennessee Whiskey


    Irish Creme

    Liqueurs (Coffee, Raspberry, Orange, Peach, etc.)



    The list goes on and on.

    Vodka is a clear liquid containing water and ethanol purified by distillation — often multiple distillation — from a fermented substance such as potatoes, grain (usually rye or wheat) or sugar beet molasses, and an insignificant amount of other substances such as flavorings or unintended impurities.[

    Malibu is a brand of Coconut Rum

    Smirnoff is a brand of Vodka

  22. smirnoff is vodka. whiskey makes me frisky

  23. well there is Gin, Vodka, Tequila, Wine, Beer, Whiskey, Malt Liquor, then sweet liquor's, wine coolers, Rum, Scotch, champagne

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