
What are the different types of burners used in chemistry?

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  1. Some Different Types of Burners used in Chemistry:

    1. Bunsen Burner (has no valve on the burner, and cylindrical slide vents on the barrel... I think it's the most common name for "all" burners used in chemistry - has become somewhat generic!  
    2. Tirrill Burner (has a valve on the bottom, and the cylindrical chimmeny screws up/down to open vents for air mixing.
    3. Meker Burner (this is a large, tall burner) and provides higher temperature
    4. Portable burners, propane torches might be considered for remote use.
    5. Alcohol burners (with or without wicks... these use safty burner fuels with ethanol containinng sodium salts (to make the flame more visible))
    6. I suppose a candle might be considered - as a flame source in chemistry labs?

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