
What are the different types of dentists? i'm hoping to become one, i just dont know what kind yet

by Guest59036  |  earlier

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all types would be nice but main categories would work as well, thank you




  1. Well, it is really late and i'm tired, but can't sleep, so I'll do my best.

    There is a general dentist (the one most people see every 6 months)

    Orthodontist (aligns jaw and teeth)

    Oral surgeon (the title says it all)

    I am so sorry, but that is all I can really think of. I think there is 1 more I remember, that is periodontics (gum disease)

    I did my best to help. So I hope I helped. I hate to bring it up, but dentists have one of the most stressful jobs because nobody seems to like them. They also have the highest suicide rate. Just wanted to tell you. But if you feel that dentistry is your calling, go for it!

    Good luck!

  2. General Dental Surgeon.





    Oral Surgeon.

    Oral Medicin & Radiograph.

    Foransic Dental Surgeion.

    Conservative Dental Surgeon.

    Oral Pathalogist.


    etc., etc.,

  3. If you want to become very wealthy and have a relaxed work atmosphere become an orthodontist. My orthodontist has done so well he has his own practice in two different suburbs which he visits on a rotating roster and is very well-off.

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