
What are the different types of sexual misconduct?

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A need a little detail in your answers, please.




  1. Every state has different laws....just look up sexual misconduct online..and you will see the diffferent laws each state has

  2. That all depends on the state you're in. Basically, there are various situations in which there is a lack of consent and for each of those, a charge for sexual touching (without penetration) and rape (with penetration by any object). Some states include charges for sodomy, though with two consenting adults, these laws are unconstitutional. Finally, there are exploitation laws involving showing pornography to minors or making or possessing pornography with minors in it.

  3. You need to consult your state law.  It varies by state.  

  4. It all depends on what age did "X" occur. Legal age varies by state and country.

    Columbia University defines sexual misconduct as:

    "non-consensual, intentional physical conduct of a sexual nature, such as unwelcome physical contact with a person's genitals, buttocks or b*****s. Lack of consent may be inferred from the use of force, threat, physical intimidation, or advantage gained by the victim's mental or physical incapacity or impairment of which the perpetrator was aware or should have been aware."

    Legal definitions may vary by state.

  5. I'm no lawyer, but you might need a little detail in your question, too.  Not sarcasm - just say what jurisdiction you're interested in.  The laws, the definitions vary so much state to state (even by city, I think).

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