
What are the different types of tyres used in F1 racing??

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What are the different types of tyres used in F1 racing??




  1. I think in addition to intermediate and full wet, they have another tire design with more groove called the monsoon tire

    I dont recall seeing it in action, but I think some years back, there was such specification

    I'm not sure if they are still around

  2. Here are the different types of F1 racing tyres currently supplied by Bridgestone:

    A. Dry Weather Tyres

         1. Hard compound

         2. Medium compound

         3. Soft compound

         4. Super-soft compound

    B.  Wet Weather Tyres

         1. Intermediate

         2. Wet tyres

         3. Extreme wet tyres

  3. Here are the different types of F1 racing tyres

    Dry Weather Tyres

        Hard compound

         Soft compound

         Super-soft compound

    Wet Weather Tyres


        Wet tyres

        Extreme wet tyres

  4. Ok here we go!

    Dry tyres with gooves, hard compound, known as prime to the teams.

    Dry tyre with grooves and white stripes are soft compound, known as option to the teams.

    Intermediate. To be used in light rain, Bridgestone call this a rain tyre.

    Wet. To be used in heavy rain or where there is standing water. Bridgestone call this the heavy rain tyre.

  5. For dry weather there are two types of tyres - soft and hard, both are grooved, for slight rain and wet or drying track intermediates are used, for heavy rain - wets

  6. In F1 racing this year Bridgestone supplys each of the teams with 4 types of tires for each race. However, Bridgestone has 6 different specs of tires for the season.

    They have 4 dry weather tires:

    Super Soft




    Of these tires Bridestone picks 2 for each race depending on the circuit. If the entire race is run in the dry each team must use at least one set of each. Each of these tires has 4 grooves that run around the tire. The softer of the two tires for a given race is called the option tire and has a white stripe painted in the third grove from the inside. This allows the fans to determine which tires each team is running at any given time.

    Bridgestone also supplies each team with a wet tire also called an intermediate and a monsoon tire also called full wet.

    Like the dry tires there is a white stripe on the full wets.

  7. well.. all the tires are supplied by Bridgestone now, since Michillen dropped out last year

    they currently don't have any slicks, they use grooved.. why? no idea, but slicks are likely to come back in 2009

    the have soft grooved tires - faster heat up, bit more grip, low life span

    hard grooved tires - little longer to heat up, little less grip, longer life span

    intermediates - these are used on wet dry tracks

    wets - used for the rain, die quickly on dry tracks

    but the compound itself sometimes differs from race to race to suit the track.

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