
What are the different types of vampires?

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I need the information for research. Thank you.




  1. one kind:  the "not-real" kind.  

    oh, then there is the "I'm-a-teenager-pretending", vampire.


  3. blood drinkers and psychic vampires.

  4. There are Bloodline Vampires who are simply vampires who do not feel the need for blood and are just simply powerful and overwhealming

    There are Blood Vampires who generally 'suck' blood.

    There are Psi-Vamps or Psycic Vampires who take on the appearance of a normal human but have very limited energy. They generally suck the energy out of you. Sometimes they aren't even aware that they are doing this. And sometimes any normal human will become a psi-vamp because they have had nearly all their energy drained from a psi-vamp.

    And then there are Vampire worshipers who are people that beleive they are vampires. They simply think it all up in their heads and decide to start drinking blood. They are no differant than anyone else.. they are just simply freaks.

  5. Ahem...taking the matter seriously, there are many different kinds of vampire, all of which are "real" to one degree or another.

    Sanguinarian vampires feed on blood, usually provided by a willing donor.

    Astral vampires involves the moving of the astral self into the astral plane to absorb the living energy of others.

    Elemental vampires take the energy generated by the natural world, such as the spinning of the earth, storms, tides and turn of seasons.

    Erotic vampirism focuses on the energy raised through sexual intercourse and s*x play.

    The chaotic vampire understands that the friction of discord creates incredible energy.

    You probably have heard of psychic vampires who gather energy raised by thoughts and psychological workings.

    A hybrid vampire feeds by more than one method.

    There are others, like pranic vampires and emotional vampires, but these fall into the categories above.

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