
What are the different types of vegetarians out there? What is the benefit to a Vegetarian diet?

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What are the different types of vegetarians out there? What is the benefit to a Vegetarian diet?




  1. Lacto-ovo vegetarian (eats dairy and eggs, but no meat)

    Lacto-vegetarian (eats dairy, but no eggs or meat)

    Ovo-vegetarian (eats eggs, but no dairy or meat)

    Vegan (no eggs, dairy, or meat)

    Vegetarian diets have a variety of benefits.

    -Helps to reduce animal suffering

    -Better for the environment; plant-based diets are more efficient

    -Protects your health. Meat consumption is linked to health problems like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, colon cancer, etc.

    -Some people find it easier to lose weight

    -Have more energy

    -Live your values at every meal

  2. Ovo-Lacto Vegetarians - Eat foods that do not contain ANY meat but may have eggs and or dairy products.

    Ovo Vegetarians - Eat foods that do not have ANY meat or dairy but may have eggs in them.

    Lacto Vegetarians - Eat foods that do NOT have meat products or eggs but may have some dairy.

    Vegan Vegetarians - Do NOT eat any

    animal products including meat, eggs, dairy, or any other meat bi-product etc.

  3. there arent any benefits or losses to being veggie (well, if u have a good diet nyway).

    vegetarians just eat plants and animal produce but no meat

    piscerian (i cant spell it lolz) is a vegetarian who eats fish

    vegan cant eat any animal produce, only plants

  4. vegan is type. it does not include milk and eggs.

    vegan is safer, especially in these days of a possible genetic bomb. ( that people are in denial of )

    Drink from the holly grail and you should have a better chance.

    vegan diet does have a nutrient omission that requires compensating for

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