
What are the different types of vegetarians???

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Im a new vegetarian im only 13 but what different kinds of vegetarians are there?

and what are some good things to buy at the grocery store thats easy to make?





    Any of your veggie "meats" are going to be easy to prepare because they are all precooked.  A package of veggie "ground beef," some taco seasoning and all the trimmings (tortillas, lettuce, salsa, olives, guacamole, etc...) makes for really easy tacos.  Heat up a tin of refried beans (look for vegetarian ones without lard) to go with.  Pasta is simple and you can add fresh steamed veggies and even canned beans (rinse the goop off and add to the sauce) to make it a more nutritious meal.  If you have a crockpot go to and look for vegetarian chili recipes.  There are a lot that are mostly canned beans, canned tomatoes, some fresh veggies and spices and there's nothing easier than dumping a bunch of stuff in the crockpot in the morning and walking away until dinner time.

    See if you can find a copy of the "Student's Go Vegetarian" cookbook. It's got easy recipes because it's written for younger people who don't have a lot of money, a lot of cookware, or a lot of cooking experience.  Thirteen's old enough to learn to cook for real.

  2. Types of vegetarianism:

    Lacto-ovo vegetarianism - a vegetarian who does not eat animal flesh of any kind and slaughter by-products, but does consume dairy and eggs.

    Lacto vegetarianism -  a vegetarian who does not eat animal flesh of any kind, slaughter by-products, eggs, or egg by-products, but does consume dairy.

    Ovo vegetarianism - a vegetarian who does not eat animal flesh of any kind, and slaughter by-products, dairy, or dairy by-products, but does consume eggs.

    Strict vegetarianism  - a vegetarian that does not consume animal products of any kind. Also known as a dietary vegan.

    Veganism - a vegetarian that does not use or consume animal products of any kind. Veganism  is a philosophy and lifestyle that seeks to exclude the use of animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose.

    Other dietary practices commonly associated with vegetarianism:

    Fruitarianism - a diet of only fruit, nuts, seeds, and other plant matter that can be gathered without harming the plant.

    Raw veganism - a diet of fresh and uncooked fruit, nuts, seeds, and vegetables.

    Freeganism - an anti-consumerism lifestyle whereby people employ alternative living strategies based on "limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources.

  3. here is a list that breaks it down

    Vegetarian: For the purpose of membership of IVU, vegetarianism includes veganism and is defined as the practice of not eating meat, poultry or fish or their by-products, with or without the use of dairy products or eggs.

    Often broken down further into OVO-LACTO, and LACTO. Vegetarians may or may not try and minimize their non food use of animals like vegans.

    Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian: same as VEGAN but also eats eggs and milk products. This is the most 'popular' form of Vegetarianism in many Western countries..

    Lacto Vegetarian: Same as VEGAN, but also eats milk products.

    Veggie -- Shortened nick-name for a VEGETARIAN; often includes VEGANs.

    Strict vegetarian: originally meant vegan, now can mean vegan or vegetarian.

    Vegan: excludes animal flesh (meat, poultry, fish and seafood), animal products (eggs and dairy), and usually excludes honey and the wearing and use of animal products (leather, silk, wool, lanolin, gelatin...).

    The major vegan societies all disallow honey, but some "vegans" still use it. Some "vegans" also refuse to eat yeast products.

    Dietary Vegan: follows a vegan diet, but doesn't necessarily try and exclude non-food uses of animals.

  4. idk the diff but theres vegeterian and vegan

  5. I didn't realize there were types.

    I do know there are "half vegetarians", which means they don't eat meat but eat fish.

    Publix has started a small vegetarian-friendly section where they have fake bacon, turkey, ham, and beef. Look online for easy to make vegetarian dishes.

  6. Let me make this simple.  Vegetarians do not eat animal flesh or slaughterhouse by products BUT may or may not choose to consume dairy and eggs.  Either choice is still a vegetarian.

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