
What are the different ways of recruitment followed in India by various recruitment firms??

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What are the different ways of recruitment followed in India by various recruitment firms??




  1. There are number of ways some of them are given below:

    1. Buddy referel

    2. Trough advertisement in news papers

    3. Through job consultants (job agencies)

    4. Through internet

  2. 1. Referral from employees.

    2. Referral from ex-employees, colleges, universities, consultants, etc..

    3. Advertisements (public and internal).

    4. Job rotation, movement, enhancements (a subtle strategy).

    5. Internal Promotions.

  3. 1. Newspapers

    2. Job centres

    3. Institutions

    4. open competitions

    5. Personal Sources

    6. bribe

    7. unwanted means

    8. Per. relations

    9. Touts

    10.hiden recruitments of relatives/knonto,etc.

    11.any else

  4. advertisements in net,newspapers etc calling for applications.

    Then  short listing

    witten test

    Technical interview

    Group discussion

    personal interview

    These r the various stages adapted by firms

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