
What are the difficulties which could arise for me as a special needs assistant?

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What are the difficulties which could arise for me as a special needs assistant?




  1. Not being able to handle the students. Some of the students are very challenging. You have to have a love for those kids. You also must do all of the work along with the teacher.

  2. Lots of things happen to special needs assistants.

    I did two weeks work experience as a special needs teachers assistant. I was hit, pinched and had things thrown at me. You would have to change the children's dirty nappies and deal with difficult situations like a child becoming very aggressive, if this happens you will be responsible for all the children in the class and to make sure they are kept safe.

    You may also be kicked,punched,have your hair pulled and many other things.

    There will  be a lot of dribble.

    I really enjoyed my work placement as a special needs ta and i am training to become one permanently.

    Good luck you will love it.

  3. There are a lot of difficulties and you should defiently expect things to be done/said to you that are upsetting...

    HOWEVER after doing special needs assisstant work for a month I would have to say that it is the most rewarding thing i have ever done... I have got so many memories and helping people makes you feel soooo good..

    I would recomend it however awful it may sound

  4. You could find certain clients obsessing on you because they like you.

    You could find the opposite happening for no discernible reason.

    You could find that your clients are very wary of anything that smacks of teaching because of previous bad experiences and their behaviour might reflect this in ways you won't like.

    You could find your co-workers methods don't match the way you want to do the job.

    You could find some of your duties distasteful.

    You could find that some of your clients don't get on with each other and this could disrupt things.

    These are only a few - and you did ask for negatives!  There are lots of positives too.

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