
What are the diffrences between civil and crimanl cases?

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What are the diffrences between civil and crimanl cases?




  1. Civil cases usually involve private disputes between persons or organizations. Criminal cases involve an action that is considered to be harmful to society as a whole.

    Civil cases are proven by preponderence of the evidence and criminal cases are proven beyond a reasonable doubt

  2. A civil case is a dispute between two parties.

    A criminal case is an allegation by the government that the defendant committed a crime.

    Some causes of action can give rise to both criminal AND civil cases.

    For example.... if I do not pay my income taxes then the government will sue me for what they claim I owe them. This is a civil case - Party A (The IRS) claims that Party B (me) owes them money, and asks a court to make me pay.

    At the same time, the government will charge me with the crime of tax evasion. This is a criminal case - the government claims that I broke the law, and asks the court to punish me.

    Another example might be if I beat someone up - the person I beat up can sue me civilly for his damages, plus the government will charge me with the crime of battery.


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