
What are the disabling conditions and the learning disabilities faced by someone using a wheelchair?

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For a school on a hill and has three floors.




  1. Even though one is in a wheelchair, they may not have any specific learning disabilities.  If they do, they wouldn't be any different from a student with disabilities that isn't in a wheelchair.

    The school is required to provide ramps, elevators, and other things necessary to travel throughout the building safely.

    Also, you definitely want to have an evacuation plan in place with the administration/staff of the school, so that the student is always able to escape in an emergency or be rescued. All staff that are in contact with the student would have to be trained and informed of the plan. This usually means that the school also needs to collaborate with local fire/police so they can set up safe rooms, etc.

    There are also issues such as adjustable height desks, clear pathways in all classrooms, proper bathroom access, and wide doorways.  Many of these things can be discussed with the staff to ensure the comfort and safety of the student.

  2. First of all, is this person using a wheelchair because they have a  temporary condition, like recent surgery or accident? In that case then the parents need to make arrangements for them to get to school and the principal needs to deal with the problem of where the classes are etc. In USA schools need to be accessible.

    If this is a student with a permanent orthopedic or medical condition, then a special education/ IEP meeting needs to be called. Transportation needs to be provided and doors, thresholds, bathrooms and elevators provided. The student's education must not be disrupted and you need to contact ADA if the school balks.

  3. Why would you think that just because a person is in a wheel chair they have learning disabilities?  The legs aren't what makes the mind/brain work!

  4. Just because someone is in a wheel chair doesn't mean they have learning disabilities!  But does usually means they can't walk!!  

    Schools and businesses are suppose to be wheel chair assessable!  3 floors, there should be some sort of elevator for a wheel chair.

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