
What are the disadvantages for Swissland or Norway to be a part of the EU?

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What are the disadvantages for Swissland or Norway to be a part of the EU?




  1. For Norway the main disadvantage would be that the Common Fisheries policy of the EU would mean that other countries could fish in their waters, and the EU would set quotas etc. The seas around Norway are very rich in fish stocks, and this would be a major disadvantage.

    For Switzerland, the main disadvantage would be that the country would lose its traditional neutrality in world affairs. There may also be pressure on the famous and secretave Swiss banking system to open up.

    There would be no real disadvantage in terms of immigration. Norway is already a member of the Schengen Agreement, and Switzerland is set to join. This means that anyone from Europe can freely enter without passport controls.

    Also note that both countries are very rich with high GNPs, but low agricultural sectors, and would have to contribute heavily to EU coffers but get little back (the bulk of EU distributments are for farm subsidies).

  2. The advantages are economic and political. The disadvantages are social because of high immigration, changing face of the country etc.

    Loads of rich people live in Switzerland so they do not need the help economically and the country has good relations with other European nations so they feel that they do not need to join the EU.

    Norway is the same, they do not feel it will help them.

  3. Poor uneducated immigrants will promptly flood their borders

  4. FOR them ,they'd have to share their resources and wealth and get trampled on by immigrants since they are very happy countries at the moment. It's sad but true. They also make a profit by tourism, which would be gone.

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