
What are the disadvantages of discipline?

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What are the disadvantages of discipline?




  1. Children start to slowly despise their parents or discipliner after along period of time if its constant and they feel its for no reason.

  2. discipline is defined in one area as mental self-control used in directing or changing behaviour, learning something, or training for something,

    However it is necessary it is just how it is doen. One should never make the person feel inferior, stupid, fearful. One does not know the background of that persons history.

    the word discipline can be swapped to use the word educate. discipline is to let or give consequences of an action not aceptable. To educate is to let the person know that the behavior, action etc is not acceptable and give alternatives. Discipline lets one know it is wrong. Educate lets them know it is wrong and gives alternatives. This should be done not in front of others as someone will react to this than if one on one. You can also educate by using role playing etc on a group without pointing out one person. Look at the movie "To sir with love"

  3. Hi There,

    Many disadvantages if you discipline the wrong way.

    They can hate you, and continue to do the wrong thing.

    Fear you and try to avoid you and they lose trusting you too.

    "Avoid using the stick and use the carrot" that mean instead focusing on the negative behavior, you should focus and reward the good behavior and they will be better children.

  4. A common misconception today considers discipline to be the same as punishment.  The fact is that discipline includes punishment but is not only punishment.  True discipline is training, which is a good thing if done properly.  However, it can become stressful if carried to an extreme.  An Olympic contender knows the value of consistent training, but he also knows that too much of it can be harmful.  There has to be a balance between discipline and relaxation.  A person who is constantly under the pressure of discipline is likely to feel great deal of stress to produce results.  Relaxation and having fun are just as important to good health as practicing good discipline.

  5. You are like a Robot.

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