I am a 19 year old 10th grader. School has never worked in my favor, but recently it has become a lot harder.
I was home schooled for a year, then went to a private school for another year before ending up in the school I am in now.
Last year my school told me I could take tests in order to get credits for some of the classes I am missing. This year, they will not be testing like that anymore.
On top of that, my home school and many of my private school credits will not transfer. One of my teachers even said I may be stuck in High School for 2-3 more years!
Many people (including the schools highest staff members) have recommended that I get a GED and just continue on to Community collage, then go to a University.
What I want to know is, if I get a GED will I completely ruin my life?
(p.s. no rude or sarcastic comments please)