
What are the disadvantages of having health care?

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I know this sounds silly, but what are the disadvantages of having health care. Maybe the cost can be an issue. Are there any others?




  1. If you are perfectly healthy and have some kind of savings to cover a possible 'catastrophic illness' such as cancer you don't need it.

    Regular yearly checkups cost alot less than the cost of health insurance...and if that is all you do is get regular checkups paying them out of pocket is more cost efficient.

    But if you are diagnosed with a catastrophic illness (the reason they're called catastrophic is because they usually BREAK someone financially!) you better hope you have enough savings (or qualify for assistance for payment) because most people cannot afford to be out of work & checked INTO the hospital for long periods of time

  2. If you have a HMO then you can't just visit any doctor you wish.

    Also if your in very good health, you may pay a lot fo money in premiums and then not need to see a doctor...

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