
What are the disadvantages of living on the ground floor or basement flat.?

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I found that it can be cold and damp and in terms of security you may be feel threatened...




  1. Noise from tenants above you. if you are in a cold climate, snow can trap you.(I lived in a basement apt many years ago, and i happened to visit my parents and that night bam a major snow, well my entrance was snowed in lucky i was out).security well any apt can be gotten into if someone wants to, but in case of a fire many basement apts only have one exit/entrance where legal apts have windows above grade, and or fire escapes. but also in a basement all utilities except phone/cable are included,which makes them attractive. but in the long run, an apt above grade is better.

  2. TV lisence, easy to get you.

  3. Ground Floor- street visibility of interior, frequent sales people and other security issues

    Basement- after about 3 months u frequently check the mirror to see if you have grown wings and if you can navigate using sonar - feel like a bat in a cave. Lack of natural sunlight is linked to seasonal affected disorder SAD- a form of depression.....  also can be safety issue if there is only one exit (in case of fire or other emergency)

    they are cheap for a reason and I decided my sanity and safety was worth the few extra dollars every month

  4. security is bad in the city. sleep with a shotgun.

  5. first  security (where you live) towns are worst epecially if they have come out of pub  my mum had a bloke who was drunk nocking on her bedroom window wanting toilet at 12 oclock at night

    can hear every body upstairs

    people noisying in

    (dont get a ground floor flat)

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