
What are the disadvantages of ways to smoke marijuana?

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What are the smoking disadvantages of smoking marijuana with a pipe or vaporizer... Basically what does the vaporizer eliminate rather than a pipe?




  1. If you are comparing a water pipe to something like a Vaporbrothers vaporizer...

    A vaporizer will give you more THC per amount of tar you get with each hit.  The water in a water pipe actually absorbs proportionally more THC than tar! So you are getting a less healthful high with a waterpipe than if you just did a straight joint !

  2. A vaporizor only heats the material to vaporize the active cannabinoids and not the tars and oils included in the material, tars which make you cough, have no value, and taste like ****.

    Cannabinoids are active around 250 degrees C. A lighter burns at around 1600 degrees C, causing combustion damage to the chemicals, actually destroying potential THC and others producing a disgusting-smelling black sticky VILE syrup-like substance called "resin" by smokers.

    Vaporizors heat the weed to a perfect temp just to smoke the good stuff and leave the bad stuff.

    And btw, pipes and joints are waay worse for resin and stankyness than any water pipe. Pipes change color because of the resin build up, same with joints. There is no difference in the amount of THC you get since THC is not water soluble at low temps, otherwise rainwater would wash it off the plants in the wild. Water pipes just cool the smoke and allow more smoke inhalation, & filter out nasty tars which can be dumped down a drain instead of packed into the pipe chamber.

    Basically you need only a little heat and you can activate cannabinoids to get stoned, an open flame is actually kinda excessive.

  3. supposedly the vaporizer makes it a lot it is safer and you get a way more intense high

  4. A vaporizer does not produce smoke. It heats the marijuana causing the THC and anything else that has a boiling under 392 degrees farenhiet(THC's boiling point). Therefore you are smoking the THC vapor from the marijuana. A vaporizer is probably the healthiest way to smoke marijuana, and under that, a water bong.

  5. Vaporizers are healthier for you, since they don't really burn the weed, it just gets it hot enough so all the good stuff comes out and into your lungs. Unfortunately, they're most expensive and harder to carry around.

  6. a vaporizer eliminates the smoke basically.  Its a different high however, i personally prefer smoking.  I find vaporizer has too much of a heady high, and if i really wanted that, id just smoke a sativa.  Id honestly recommend sticking to smoking if you dont care about your lungs.  If however you do care, and like breathing easily for some reason, then your better off with the vape.

  7. vaporizers are supposed to be healthier, but they're more expensive. personally, i love my pipe (his name is charlie :D)

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