
What are the diseases of plants?? please reply asap!!?

by Guest59263  |  earlier

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please please i need it for my homework!




  1. Most plant diseases are caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

    Blight = A disease characterised by widespread death of plant tissue.

    Canker =A sunken necrotic lesion often of a main stem, branch or root.

    Damping-off= Collapse and rot of seedlings near soil level before emergence or soon after emergence caused by Pythium spp., Phytophthora spp., Fusarium spp., and Rhizoctonia spp.

    Dieback= Partial defoliation, twig and branch death and even complete death of plants.

    Downy mildew= White or grey 'bloom' on leaves and stems caused by production of sporangiophores and sporangia by members of the Peronosporales (downy mildew fungi).

    Gall= An abnormal growth or swelling produced as a result of pathogenic invasion.

    Mosaic= Patchy variation of normal green colour in leaves, usually light and dark green mosaic, symptomatic of many viral diseases.

    Powdery mildew= White powdery 'bloom' on the plant surface caused by the production of fungal mycelium, conidiophores and conidia by members of the Erysiphales (powdery mildew fungi).

    Pustule= A blister-like spore mass breaking through a plant epidermis.

    Rot =Disintegration of tissue, often caused by enzymes or toxins produced by pathogens.

    Rust =Rust-coloured pustules formed by members of the Uredinales (rust fungi).

    Scab= A discrete, superficial roughened lesion.

    s**t =A disease characterised by black spore masses on leaves, stems or inflorescences, caused by members of the Ustilaginales (s**t fungi).

    Vascular= wilt A disease in which the pathogen is confined to the vascular system of the host and in which wilting is a characteristic symptom; plants lose their turgidity and become flaccid, leaves collapse

  2. bacterial diseases in plants citrus canker and bacterial wilt of tomato viral diseases in plants are tobacco mosaic disease, leaf curl bunchy top of banana, chlorosis, vein banding and necrosis

  3. This site lists the most common ones and describes what they are / treatments:

  4. There are hundreds of diseases, some specific to certain plants.

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