
What are the dominant street gangs in Glasgow?

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I know there are about 170 or so but are there any which are "dominant" and have more control than the rest?

In other words which of the gangs rule Glasgow?




  1. No gang rules in Glasgow. Dont belive everything you hear in the media.

    The "gangs" you are refering to are just stupid little 15 year old kids.

  2. I think every gang likes to think of themselves as being more dominant than any other. They would like to think that they rule Glasgow, but they don't. Most of them are daft wee neds just looking to cause trouble - drinking Buckfast and carrying knives.

  3. It's Rough up there.

  4. as far as i know, there isnt one dominant one. there'll be a gang in one part of the city, a gang whose 'territory' is in the other.

    then you get the amazingly pathetic 'young teams' which are groups of teenagers who want to be in a gang so wander about with buckfast, knives and a score bag of weed, and think they're really cool. then they meet the real gangs and wet themselves.

  5. The Police?  There are loads of them, all with radios, dogs, horses, cars, CS gas, truncheons, SWAT teams and guns.  They don't mess about!

  6. they are all wee chavs who think they are hard,mostly from the sink estates on outskirts of glasgow

  7. they r all dafties id like to drop them off in the bronx to play with the real gangs and see how they get on lol

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