
What are the downsides to nuclear energy?

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Obviously there is a great need for energy in this country, and some people are advocating nuclear power. Others are against that option.

I know that a meltdown would be catastrophic, but that doesn't happen very often at all. And the byproducts can be stored in those giant bunkers out west.

There are a handful of reactors in my state already, and they seem to be running without issue. There is some uranium up here in the UP, which would help bring in some much-needed mining jobs, and cheaper energy would really help the auto industry downstate too.

Nuclear energy, from what I know, doesn't pollute like coal-powered plants, and it doesn't interfere with aquatic biomes in the way that dams do (this is particularly important for Michigan's endangered aquatic species, like the coaster brook trout, and its fishing industry). It's more dependable than wind and solar and doesn't require so many separate units.

Anyway, it seems to me like nuclear energy would be a d**n good thing for Michigan. So why are some people so opposed to it?




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