
What are the early signs of labor?

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When the baby kicks and stretchs I sometimes get teary eyed. I gets quiet painful. She is very low. My tummy gets extremely hard. I don't get much sleep and toss in bed back and forth. I am at my 37 week and this is my second child. Got any info?




  1. You might want to visit Web MD, under health and baby, it tells you the early signs of labor, like passing of the mucus plug, contractions, dilatation of the cervix etc.

  2. Well, you are getting close, but none of those are "signs" that labor is near. Usually good signs are the "bloody show" or a pink, mucousy discharge,your water breaking or just painful contractions that are less than 5 minutes apart for an hour--in which case you should call your doc..or whomever. Good will be here soon!!

  3. Your tummy getting hard sounds like contractions. 37 weeks is a very uncomfortable time especially for sleeping :) If you have cramping accompanied by diarrhea that is sign of early labor. Others include backache, indigestion, a warm feeling in the abdomen, or a bloody show(blood tinged mucousy discharge) and of course your water breaking. But mine never broke until I got to the hospital.  How I knew I was in labor was the contractions and the cramping with diarrhea. If you are in question go to the hospital or call your Dr. Better to go and be sent home(You won't be the first) then to be wrong and have your baby in the car on the way :) Best wishes!!!

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