
What are the easiest jobs to get straight out of high school? with no previous paid job experience?

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What are the easiest jobs to get straight out of high school? with no previous paid job experience?




  1. Mickey D's, KFC, Wal-mart, Gas Jockey, Farm Labourer, Any job that doesn't require a high education degree

  2. Basically, its your unskilled positions. Unless you took like an auto mechanics class in high school, you and life in the fast food lane will get to know one another.  

  3. Baby sitting, fast food places, lawn mowing, ManPower, grocery stores, convenience stores and just talk to other people who have jobs.  Sometimes they know of firms hiring h.s. grads for basic employment.  Good Luck.

  4. Fast food

    Landscaping and lawn care

    I hope that you are just looking for a temporary job while waiting to start your college courses.


  5. Jobs such as cashier work, stocking products, cleaning, etc...

  6. Something with computer science.

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