
What are the effects and causes iof global warming??

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  1. i for one am an environmentilist but im only 13.okay i may be young but i love polar warming means carbon dixoide is sent into the air and when heat from the sun trys to go back into space it cant so it simply stays is like a big is making sea levels rise, penguinsand polar bears die and eventually might make humans go extint.think it cant happen? well you need to watch the innconvient truth about global warming.its incredible just howe much it can do.

  2. the effects are Sea levels rise, so I think like 90% of the world population lives near the sea level so they will have to move to Mount Fuji or drown, the causes are the sun and the fact that Earth was captured by the Milky way Galaxy from the now collapsing Sagitarrean Dwarf Galaxy, since the Milky Way Galaxy is much bigger it has more radiation heating up the earth

  3. effects.. well ice melts seas rise climates change get hotter/cooler... if it keeps getting warmer the methane stored at the bottom of the seas turns back to a gas a rises up making the problem 10 times worse.. as for the causes it is the excessive amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which destroys the ozone... there are of coarse other possible reasons like all the nukes that have been tested over the years.. the world has an ice age every 10000 years approx the next one is long over due. ... volcanoes erupting etc etc

  4. effects...

    melting of ice.. slow but steady erosion of the coastline.. (no everyone won't have to move to mt fiji) movement of the temperate zones into new areas and complete redistribution of arable land surface...

    long term effects mean that virus' and bacteria that never before had a chance to interact will now have plenty of opportunity.. so new chances for truly deadly strains to evolve...


    causes.. natural cycle... the earth goes through ice ages that bring the normal temp of the planet down.. then it warms up in between those.. this warming is caused by the greenhouse effect.. as light is absorbed into the planet it is released in a different form.. which is less likely to penetrate warming gasses.. so that heat ends up trapped in the atmosphere instead of passing back through and into space.

  5. It is only in your mind. Where do U think our present supply of fossil fuels came from.. Wrong not fossil animal but fossil plants. The plants take in CO2 and give us the O2 but keep the C. As the plants have. The plants capture the energy from the sun and convert it to oil like olive oil .The plants have done that for millions of years and are presently doing the same thing. So we will never run out of fossil fuel.

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