
What are the effects and dangers of mixing alcohol and Lexapro?

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Curious about what happens when they are mixed, particularly in relation to other SSRI/Alcohol combinations.




  1. Iexapro turns into a poison...I tried killing myself with xanax and lexapro and a bottle of liquor. i was rushed to the e.r. and had to have my stomach pumped twice, and they explained later its because when you mix meds like lexapro with alcohol, it turns into a toxic pill and poisons your body and will kill you if you dont get help. stay away from the boose. come on man. im an alcoholic and i still dont drink when i decide to take my meds

  2. It really depends on the amount of each you consume. Instructions for Lexapro says to "avoid alcohol."  Alcohol will heighten the effect of Lexapro and can cause death if too much is consumed.  If you are considering suicide you should contact your doctor or the suicide hotline.  Otherwise be very careful mixing drugs and alcohol.

  3. Why would you drink alchohol at all?? It kills you very slowly i wouldn't do it.

  4. a small amount of alcohol could lead to alcohol poisoning because of the ssri's effect on the liver, the liver does not properly filter out the alcohol and it just keeps circulating in your system so even a small amount could lead to serious problems

    ADDED: to mist, i was hospitalized for alcohol poising from ONE DRINK while taking lexapro and this is what the hospital told me

  5. Lexapro is a ssri (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). It is used to treat depression and other anxiety disorder. It works by increasing the amount of serotonin neurotransmitter in the brain. An extremely high amount of serotonin neurotransmitter, however can cause toxic effects. Often it can lead to something call serotonin syndrome, which can have fatal effects.

    What can increase the amount of serotonin in the brain is the alcohol interaction with lexapro. It increases the effect of lexapro.

    Hope the answer help.. if you enjoy my answer, visit the source and leave me a comment. I will answer more questions that you may have.

    Justin at e9u dot com is my email  if you have further question.

  6. "Drinking alcohol while on Lexapro is not recommended. This is because if alcohol and Lexapro are taken together, Lexapro may potentially increase the effects of the alcohol. If you choose to drink while taking Lexapro, you should drink only light-to-moderate amounts of alcohol -- one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men."

    "You should talk with your healthcare provider about alcohol and Lexapro. This is because everyone's situation is different, and your healthcare provider understands yours best. Based on what you want and expect, as well as your current health situation, you and your healthcare provider can make a shared decision about your intake of alcohol while on Lexapro."

    Hope this helps!

  7. BS to everyone except Jessica.  Talk to your doctor.  What you will be told is that a drink every now and then is not a problem. Getting hammered is. Drinking all the time is.  Alcohol is a depressant. It defeats the purpose of taking an antidepressant. In other words, very light social drinking (i.e. a beer or glass of wine) is no big deal. More than that you'll end up depressed despite the antidepressant.

    NOTE: alcohol poisoning requires a lot of alcohol and it kills regardless of antidepressants. You will reach that point sooner, so keep that in mind, too.

  8. DEATH !!!!!! Stop it  !!!!!

  9. yes

  10. look it up on drugs dot com

  11. could die based on the amounts, just saw that combo 2 weeks ago, 54 year old lady died

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