
What are the effects of TURMERIC ON ACNE and ACNE SCARS?

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My dad is a believer in herbal treatments as opposed to using new age products and after seeing me struggle with acne for a while (im 20, my acne started in about the 8th grade) and not seeing any results with different products (over the counter stuff, proactive, antibiotics, etc) he decided to make a paste for me.

The main ingredient is turmeric. It also has orange peel and some other stuff and he said that it will show a huge improvement in a little over a week in the acne as well as the scars.

So, i was wondering has anyone else tried turmeric for acne and acne scars? what were the results? also any input would be helpful even if you havent used it but know a thing or two about the ingredient.






  1. when there is no scope for side effects in Ur dad's formula, nothing wrong in trying it out.

    actually, turmeric is natural antibiotic. if u add honey to turmeric powder apply it  on ur face and keep it for half-an-hour and take a bath or  wash it. u'll enjoy to see ur face with no scars or at the most vanishing scars and with good glow.

    with best compliments from

  2. There is a tumeric cream you can get called 'Vanishing Cream'.

    It is made by a company called Vicco.

    You can get it in Australia. It is made in India so Im sure it is available everywhere.

    Good Luck.

  3. its great

    turmuric reduces & cures acne , pimple & black heads, its true

  4. Turmeric is a antioxidant: and it also used for pain,  therefore I would not be surprised, if it did help with the healing of the scars, many people use it for liver disease.

  5. Turmeric has been used from times imemmorial as a traditional medicine and Lepan (ointment) for beauty and fairness of skin and acne pimple, scars, freckles and the like.  It combines well with Rakthachandanam (Red sandalwood) or chandanam (sandalwood), Basal, coconut milk, Green gram, Neem leaves, lemon juice, white of egg, butter,. rose water are few of the components which can lead one to clear skin.  These are natural remedies and are of immense value.  with best wishes.

  6. I love turmeric.  It is good for so many things.  I buy it loose at a herb store or a place like Rainbow Market in SF and put it into capsules.  It is an anti-oxidant, anti-spasmotic, anti-cramp, anti-cancer, works on cleaning the liver, getting rid of parasites, on and on.  If you get mentrual cramps it even works on that.  Take 2 a day for a week prior to your period and you won't have cramps.  

    Your dad sounds very wise.  Follow his advice as it won't hurt.  You can take some turmeric capsules to work on the digestive tract as well.  Skin is a reflection of health of the internal body, especially the liver.  You may also have a genetic link with the P-Ance gene.  Find out if one or both of your parents had an acne problem when they reached puberty.  If that is the case your acne is most likely genetic and it something you can learn to manage but not get rid of.  

    Here are a few pointers:

    1.  Drink lots of water to stay hydrated.  Water is the cure for many ailments.

    2.  Stay away from products that have ingredients that are acnegenic or comedogenic - meaning they cause acne or clog the pores.  I can send you a list of these ingredients.

    3.  Avoid using laundry detergents with fragrance. Don't use the fabric softener sheets you put into the dryer.  These coat the towels and sheets you use and can make acne worse.

    4.  Avoid excess Iodine in the diet; including salty snacks, fast foods, processed foods, soy sauce, MSG, seaweed, kelp, cold medicines and vitamins containing iodine and kelp.  

    5.  Avoid hormone laden food especially milk and cheese.  I have known heavy milk drinkers with excessive acne to cut back or eliminate milk and their acne disappears.  

    6.  Use ice on inflammed acne to help calm it down.

    7.  Use your dad's remedy, give him a big hug and tell him how much you love and appreciate him...

    I am an esthetician and have a report on things to avoid and supplements to take if you suffer from acne.  I will send this if it is of interest to you.  Just email me back and I will send it as a word attachment or can paste it into the body of the email.  Tell me what you prefer.  

    Good luck!

    Inner beauty

  7. Pl check these posts.

  8. Your dad seems like he cares for you and would go the extra mile to help you with your acne troubles. It doesn't seem like he'd deliberately make something that would be harmful to you. Try his concoction and see if it works. (Even if you only try it on one or two pimples at first as a test). You've already tried all the junk on the market, what can you lose at this point?

  9. Go ahead and put it on your skin.  If you can also take turmeric pills to help your body from the inside then it should work at least some.  Skin problems are often a sign that the liver is too busy to clean out our system and it shows up on our skin, leaving problematic skin.  Fermented Turmeric is known in the far east as an excellent aide for the liver---it is also known to break down alcohol at a much faster rate than normal, preventing hangovers.  It is also not so very expensive.  You can buy it online, I get it from a pretty cheap website called  I cannot display the link or I get accused of solicitation. The stuff does work so give your dad's skin paste and possibly taking it from the inside a good chance.  As with all natural products you will have to give it some time to show results, depending on the severity of your acne it can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a couple of months.

    What you also might consider is keeping track of exactly when you break out with it the worst--that might establish a pattern where you can follow up on things.  For example, lots of women break out with it when their monthly arrives or shortly before or after it.  Another reason might be certain types of food.  I've had adult acne and did combat this with a product called advanced ambrotose complex, starting out with a high dosis and staying at a low dosis now to keep my good results, but I also did use Turmeric for a long time because it does help the liver a great deal.  So give it a try---I think that your dad is absolutely right.

  10. its been in middle eastern skin care for ages. Its great just as long as you don't overdo it, as it can cause redness and stinging.   here's another acne remedy from india. cut a lime slice and rub gently all over skin for a minute. then take a small handful of uncooked oats and massage into wet skin, leave on until it dries, then rinse. cinnamon powder and honey are also pretty good. your dad is very right by the way, herbal products are SO much better, and safer

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