
What are the effects of a disaster over our health?

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How does a natural disaster(earthquake, volcano, tsunami) affect an individual's health? Please explain me for each of the above disaster.




  1. earthquake, volcano, tsunami

    effects to human health

    many peoples die

  2. Natural disasters do not affect all people the same way. The biggest factor is proximity to the disaster but other factors include location, age, societal coping mechanisms, prior health, etc.

    Hence for each of the disasters mentioned, there will be a range of health repercussions - here are a few:

    Earthquake: No effect  to sick/injured to dead

    Volcano: No effect  to sick/injured to dead

    Tsunami: No effect  to sick/injured to dead

    Seriously, this is an impossible question to answer!

    Take "earthquake" for example - a person could be:

    Trapped in the actual rifts (blunt trauma injuries leading to death);

    Trapped in a collapsed building (crush wounds/blunt trauma leading to death, fractures, amputations. Also contusions, cuts, abrasions and/or haematomas of varying severity)

    Trapped in debris for prolonged periods (hypothermia, dehydration, shock)

    Trapped in debris with pre-existing health issues (insulin shock, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, premature delivery if pregnant, etc)

    Hit by flying debris and/or glass

    In a vehicle at the time (burns, crashes, collapsed subway tunnel...)

    Burns after fires start due to earthquake even if not directly affected by the 'quake

    Indirect consequences through collapse of societal support (starvation, dehydration, shock, exposure/hypothermia, malnutrition, lice, diarrhoea, dysentery, malaria...)

    Psychological issues up to and including PTSS




  3. It is more of mental torture than physical problem

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