
What are the effects of a yellow bellied buddah xtc pill i want to know plz?

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no stupid answers plz thank you




  1. me and my friend both took the yellow buddah this morning and it hit us too hard, this wasnt my first time but i didnt like the feeling, it hit me too hard, i wouldnt recommend it, its really strong its been more than 8 hours and i still feel like **** bentleys are careful

  2. lots of budhas are going around, we had green ones a few months ago and i just took a blue one a couple weeks ago.

    theres no telling what a pill will do, just ask who u got it from how is the roll ask them if its an intense roll, or not, ask them if its meth based or not. the blue budhas that we had are pure mdma, a different kind of roll i didnt really like it too much teeth clatering and eye wiggling and it wasnt like the messaging / touching / dancing kind of pill it was more like a talkative / smoking allot kind of pill

  3. The type of pill a.k.a the "stamp" has no bearing on what the actual active chemical component is. Most MDMA pills are either amphetamine or heroin based. This is what ravers refer to as speedy or smacky pills. My advice is that the only way you will know for sure is to perform a detailed chemical analysis on the specimen before you ingest it. I would stay away from all unregulated chemicals altogether, yet I realize that this is naive of me and human error is our default response. Just don't be stupid.

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