
What are the effects of carbon dioxide on our environment?

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Also, what are the ramifcations of lessening our CO2 output?




  1. CO2 is an aerial fertilizer that makes plants grow. Although it is a greenhouse gas, intelligent scientist can disagree on how much it is causing the current global warming period. Evidence exists that there are much more important causes to global warming than CO2 (naturally occurring or man made).

    Blaming man made CO2 emissions for global warming is too simplistic and cherry picks the science to fit a preconceived notion. True climate science is too complex to blame it on one single factor. But, some people are just lazy, do not have the statistical or scientific know how, or just like to have someone to blame for natural occurrences, that they stick to the Anthropogenic Global Warming Mythology.

  2. CO2 is a greenhouse gas.  It traps heat.  Increasing atmospheric CO2 is like wrapping a blanket around the earth.

    Half the CO2 in our atmosphere was released by humans within the past 50 years.  By lessening our CO2 output, we will slow the effects of global warming.  Not by much, but every little bit will help.

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