
What are the effects of oil?

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Everyone always talks about the environmental effects, but I want to know the social ones. How have OUR lives been affected by guzzling the dinosoars?




  1. how many dinosaurs does it take to fill the tank of a hummer?  do you really believe that old story?  think about it - when things die, they turn to dust - not oil.  nobody knows why the oil is there, but we do know that nature abhors a vacuum meaning it's there for a reason - like everything else in nature.  did you ever wonder if the rate we suck it out of the earth might have something to do with the seeming increase in earthquake activity?  that perhaps the oil has something to do with plate tectonics?  that maybe the oil is what used to keep everything working they way it's supposed to?  yet we remove it with no thought as to why it's there in the first place -only if we've enough to fill the tanks of our SUVs and keep commerce moving.

    Please - question the answers ~ and I'm not referring to those here on YA.

  2. It greatly increased commerce and more people moved from the farm to urban environments because tractors were doing so much of the work.  Increases interaction between a larger number of people.  People used to travel two days by horse to get to the next town and then it was shortened to 1 day, then half a day and now people go from town to town in 1 hour.

  3. The recycling of natural resources is the essence of life sustenance.

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