
What are the effects of...

by Guest60640  |  earlier

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mixing alcohol with energy drinks? Bad idea?




  1. To begin with you will get a h**l of a high.  But then again the taste is another thing.  Certain drinks will not taste very good.  I would think that the alcohol would kill the effect of the energy properties in the beverage....

  2. it is common to mix them ,the reason people do this is that it cuts down on the hangover next day . i have asked alot of people why they do and all say same thing

  3. Ok, first things first. I have mixed alcohol and energy drinks thousands of times at least and never had a negative effect so i don't know from personal experience but some experts suggest that because energy drinks speed up the heart rate and alcohol slows it down the combo might cause heart arrhythmia and dehydration. Check out the article for some more detailed information :)

  4. its not any worse then the alcohol or the energy drink and some people like it everything in moderation  

  5. It wasn't too bad on me though i would not suggest it  

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