
What are the effects of radiation on living organisms?

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It is our assignment on Physics. I have been searching around and haven't found ones that are very specific.




  1. If you mean hazardous effects, then here's the first order answer: radiation can damage the DNA of cells.

    Not a very complete answer, I know, but maybe you could Google around for Ultraviolet+skin cells and find something more specific.


  3. Electromagnetic radiation comes in all frequencies and many are beneficial, even necessary, like heat and light (but not too much heat or light).  We need vitamin D from sunlight, and plants need light to grow.  We need heat from the sun to keep warm.  Contrary to modern superstition, low frequency radio waves are harmless, but radar and other microwaves can cook you. Frequencies higher than light, including  ultra-violet radiation from the sun can burn your skin and cause skin cancer.  X-ray and gamma rays have their uses but doses must be strictly controlled to prevent tissue damage and cancer.

    The potentially dangerous wavelengths are those that interact with molecules or atoms.  Heat and microwaves disturb electrons while high frequencies, like X-rays and gamma rays disturb atomic nuclei.  Exposure may lead to cancer and other genetic mutations, which are almost always harmful, but which occasionally may include beneficial mutations. Such mutations possibly advanced the rate of evolution among single celled organisms.  --AGF

  4. The higher the frequency of light (not just visible) the more energy it contains. That is why Ultra-Violet light from the sun is so bad for you. As you might know, the frequency of red light is low, then as you go to the violet side of the spectrum it gets higher and higher. Then ultra-violet light is beyond the visible light spectrum. Beyond ultra-violet you get x-rays and gamma rays which has even higher frequencies thus higher energy. This high energy can damage your cells.

    Just another interesting thing I've mentioned a few times here on YA, the frequency of x-rays is so high that the wave length is shorter than the gap between the molecules in your body, That is why the x-rays can move through the less dense parts of your body and get absorbed in the denser parts (bones). Gamma rays are even more hectic!!

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