
What are the effects of rh+ in the development of the embryo?

by Guest44744  |  earlier

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pls answer ASAP..this would help me alot..thanks..




  1. Most people - about 85% - are Rh positive. But if a woman who is Rh negative and a man who is Rh positive conceive a baby, there is the potential for a baby to have a health problem. The baby growing inside the Rh-negative mother may have Rh-positive blood, inherited from the father. Approximately half of the children born to an Rh-negative mother and Rh-positive father will be Rh positive.

    Rh antibodies are harmless until the mother's second or later pregnancies. If she is ever carrying another Rh-positive child, her Rh antibodies will recognize the Rh proteins on the surface of the baby's blood cells as foreign, and pass into the baby's bloodstream and attack those cells. This can lead to swelling and rupture of the baby's red blood cells. A baby's blood count can get dangerously low when this condition, known as hemolytic or Rh disease of the newborn, occurs.

    If a doctor determines that a woman has already developed Rh antibodies, then the pregnancy will be closely monitored to make sure that those levels are not too high. In rare cases, if the incompatibility is severe and the baby is in danger, a series of special blood transfusions (called exchange transfusions) can be performed either while the baby is still in the uterus or after delivery.

    Exchange transfusions replace the baby's blood with red blood cells that have the Rh-negative factor. This procedure stabilizes the baby's level of red blood cells and minimizes further damage caused by circulating Rh antibodies already present in the baby's bloodstream.

  2. I am AB+ AND RH+....

    RH+/- is NOT a blood type, but it is a concern....


    You have a good website, but your answer is a little off...  I don't know if 85% of the population has positive blood.  You can figure it out by find out your blood type.  No matter the first letter, it is whether it is positive or negative, regardless of being O, A, B or AB....  And this won't cause diseases, but if you are negative, you NEED to get the shot if you have a positive baby...  Positive babies are not bad, they will actually have no reason to get this shot in the future.  Negative will have to make sure to get the shot EVERY time they have a miscarriage, just in case, and anytime they deliver a positive baby........   And the whole blood transfusion thing, is when the RH- mother DOES NOT get the shot.  The diseases the child THEN gets is because the mother's body is ATTACKING the child and harming it.....  There is no other reason the mother's body would do that EXCEPT for the RH incompatibility which occurs if the mother does not get the shot the first time and has a SECOND RH+ child.....

    I hope that makes more sense....

    I will explain it a little further.....

    If you have a blood type of AB+ (or O+, or A+ or B+), you are RH+, if you are AB- (or O-, or A- or B-), you are RH-.

    If a RH- person gives birth to an RH+ baby, the RH- mother MUST get a rhogram shot twice.  This is to prevent the mother's body from creating a resistance to the future RH+ babies the mother may have.  It is like getting the flu the first time, after you get it once, the body prepares itself to fight it the next time.  In this case, if you were to NOT get the rhogram shot, if you got pregnant with another RH+ baby, your RH- blood would "dispose" of the baby.....  It will treat the baby like a virus and will attack it.

    They have to do this anytime your blood COULD mix with the babies, such as miscarriages, amniocentesis and birth.  If they can't find out your blood type, they will draw blood to make sure to find out if you need the shot of not....

    If you are RH-, the doctor will make sure to get you the shot.  They know what happens if you don't get the shot within the certain time frame.  They know that and will give you the shot if you need it.  They will also give you a card to show that you did get the shot.

    If you are positive, you can have either type baby and not have any problems with the shot or not....

    Positive can have both with no problems, but negative can only have negative, UNLESS they get the shot....

    It does not cause diseases in the baby.  It is only determining whether the mom needs the shot or not to have future kids........

    Any other question, e-mail me.....

  3. i would say that the effects of rh+ in the developement of an embryo would be the amount of a baby having aspergers and something else that is hereditary because rh+ is a blood type.  and blood types are hereditary because you are getting one blood type from one parent and another blood type to equal rh+.

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