
What are the effects of temperature, substrate concentration, enzyme concentration, and pH on enzyme activity?

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  1. Fantastic explanation above.

    Any enyzmatic (or catalytic) event has a top speed.  If you're imagining the effects of certain variables on a graph, realize that the slope tapers off at some point.

    Lowering temp would lower activity rate.  Here's why: at lower temps, proteins have fewer conformations.  (Higher temps allow bonds to stretch a bit and overall shape to vary.)  So, there are fewer enzymes in the correct shape to bind the substrate at lower temps.

    pH changes also alter the conformation of enzymes.  Fluctuations beyond the optimum range can actually destroy the function of the enzyme, as bonds are broken and reformed incorrectly.  That's called denaturing.

  2. EFFECTS OF TEMP:well!!enzymes work properly only under optimum temp. i.e.37'C for humans.If temp.of body exceeds from optimum temp.range then denaturation of enzymes occur n it stops its proper functioning.

    SUBSTRATE CONCENTRATION:increasing conc.of substrate increases the enzymatic activity to certain extend but unlimited increase in substrate conc.decreases the enzymatic activity.

    ENZYME CONCENTRATION:increases enzyme concentration increases the enzymatic activity but only to a limited degree.

    pH CONCENTRATION:every enzyme has a particular pH range for its proper functioning n denaturation of enzyme occurs when pH is not favorable.

    Hope this helps.GL!!!

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