
What are the effects of water in 3 month baby ears?? Or how many bathes are too many?

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how often should a 3mo baby be bathed?




  1. There's no real 'rule' for how often to bathe a baby.  They don't actually 'need' bathing more than a couple of times a week, as long as their diaper area is cleaned at every change, and their hands and face are washed regularly.  If you choose to bathe him/her every day, though, it doesn't do any harm.  Just be careful not to let his/her skin get too dry - maybe you could find a moisturising baby wash, or something.

    To dry out baby's ears, I've always just used the corner of a towel to get out as much water as possible.  Please don't use a q-tip - one slip and you could cause permanent damage.  As long as the baby isn't going from a bath into cold air, it won't do any harm, and the ears will dry naturally.

  2. There's never too many baths  

  3. Every other day...and a little water wont hurt their ears...just clean out there ear with a q-tip after their bath.

  4. Once a day. How did the water get in his ears? Keep his head out of the water.  

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