
What are the effects on your body if you cut yourself everyday ? can you lose too much blood long term.?

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i am a cutter and the other night i got real light headed after cutting and for the past 2 or 3 days i have been so tired.. was wondering if it has to do with me cutting .. i'm afraid to go to the doctor because i dont want him to know that i cut.




  1. hi im here for you to start off because i am an ex- cutter... you should talk to you doctor because they are there to help no matter how awkward it is. or talk to someone else. i have been there but its important to get help . you can try the ice method wheere you grab ice instead or the rubber band where you snap a rubber band. please accept this help because it could really effect your health. please be careful!

  2. how come you don't have a woman doctor? and don't be afraid to go to the doctor because he will help you! that's what he's supposed to do! and do you cut yourself on purpose like an emo? the cutting probably had to do something with the light headness. your probably losing blood. stop cutting yourself! eat fiber like oranges to help heal the cuts faster and eat more protein, it might help the tiredness and dizziness

  3. cutting can not only be hard on your blood supply but on your mind also.  along with being depressed you are probably dehydrated and low on iron

  4. I would think Anemia only if you bleed pints.  You're prolly just tired, stresses, hormones raging, short on sleep/rest?  

    When I was a teen, I used to get lightheaded to the point I'd see spots in front of my eyes & almost pass out.  It's sort of part of growing up on the wild side--I ate wrong, smoked, drank, etc.

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