
What are the efforts by Greeks to preserve water?

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With a hot summer here and shortage of water in many areas in the world and especially in Europe, I wonder if the Greek government and Greeks in general are increasing their efforts to preserve water and what are they doing about it




  1. The recent rains that have fallen last week and possibly more that are predicted almost everyday will re-institute the reserves of the subterranean strata at least at5 my part of Greece.

    On local level, small dam reserves are planned to be build to conserve the rain water but as usual the micro-politics of our local political Lords make the final plans change from place to place to satisfy individual needs.

    On personal level I try to use as less water as possible on all hygienic chores, but that is not the solution of the problem.

    The main misuse of water is on agricultural needs that are done during the middle of the day and then almost half of it is wasted before even falling to the ground due to evaporation.

  2. Well I believe Greece and Cyprus should come up with a solution very soon. As both Greece and Cyprus are being highly developed with holiday homes etc, I believe the Government should come up with the idea of a home filtering system from the sea. All homes should get their water straight from the sea and should be filtered in their home. This way the water will be used well!

  3. I lived there for 3 years, what I saw was that the government were saying that people had to save water, the holiday companies were telling guests to save water, but sadly in some places I saw water wasted, left running for literally hours just pouring away, it didn't make sense at all.

  4. I dont think so...

    I am not sure about the originality of this but i have heard that Greece is the most wastefull (to water) country in the Europe.

  5. Vasiliki..I wouldnt say we are waste full  .but un in formed at least  to the older and argricultural population most younger people are aware of it.. ..scouce 's your right i was there in 82 and it was the same thing..  but to the gentelman about sea water its the best idea but so expensive...if the goverment will foot the bill or at least the first 5 years of individual instalations that would be great in my view..but i rember when i asked my dad about the water sources in our area in messinia. he said to me there is water all around here all you need is a drilling machine and he was right.there are old wells that go down 70 ft or more in some places.but again money is the i would say greece has alot of untaped resources of water  just not done any thign about it.. al though islands are a promblem thier water is limited..

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