
What are the endangered animals due to gobal warming?

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What are the endangered animals due to gobal warming?




  1. Global warming is decreasing ice in polar caps and glaciers in mountains, so most of the animals dependent on it are endangered .

    Polar Bear

    Snow Leopard

    Various animals which lives in certain places and temperature like amphibians, frogs etc, are dying due to increase in temperature.

    Global warmin is not hoax, we have already witnessed the hottest days in all recorded time, lots of people have died due to heat wave in europe and asia, the natural calamities like sea stroms, flooding , drought are more common due to global warming. Maybe we are just closing our eyes and our sense to feel that we are safe and nothing is happening.

    Lets not be irresponsible by saying it hoax. Its our planet and it's our duty to save it.

  2. Legally speaking, none. Polar bears were the first and only species to be listed because of global warming but their status is Threatened, one step below Endangered.

  3. there are lots of people in that category.

    for example, Darfur is the result of drought caused by a change in the monsoon pattern which is the likely result of warming in the Indian ocean.

    now you were probably thinking about other animals.

    some say polar bears.

    others say, when polar bears are mentioned, that there are lots of them.

    quite obviously the bears that used to travel the arctic sea ice that's melted are in trouble.

    there are other groups that are not in trouble today.

    with the pretty obvious melting of arctic ice, there is the clear possibility that that situation will change.

    in other areas, there are many species of plants and animals that are restricted to specific altitude ranges of mountains.

    as the temperature increases, that range will get higher, and the new area may not be suitable for their existence.

    butterflies are a prime example.

    there are many isolated populations that are in serious jeopardy.

    and there are people who say, "Who cares?"

    however, as shown in Darfur, and likely in other areas in the near future, "which animals" is likely not the only concern.

    people are.

    and the conflicts that arise from lack of water and food.

  4. Organisms that can't adapt to rapid (in cosmic time not Christian time) changes in climate due to man's forcing the thermal equilibrium of the Planet Earth's biosphere to higher weighted avgs in temperature from increased trapping and retention/accumulation of thermal solar energy by Excess unrecycled heat-trapping CO2 build-up,that's who!

    Did anyone mention the corals(and other marine invertebrates) or the amphibians, which are entire phylums? Many species aren't even listed bec we are unaware that they exist. Those will disappear w/o ever being known like areas in the Amazon.

    Oh well, who cares anyway: humanity it seems, is destined to become video-game loving cyborgs anyway made of cultured tissues,manufactured organs,  and mechanical and electronic implants of all kinds! We already eat manufactured phony foodstuffs.   LOL (THX-11 and A Brave New World need to be updated!)

    But the endangerment of life as we know it, goes beyond the specific organisms to the supporting network of ecosytems(natural systems) and food chains in the food/energy web that sustains us all!

    I hope my A expands your understanding of the scope of the problem of human economic activity on the spaceship we live on. Burning fossil fuels(carbon fuels) at the rates we do is assinine because our trained scientists have established we are a part of the universe. (Oh what a surprise to know this!)

    Don't listen to those who make a profit-killing off of consumers at any price from  our corporation-encouraged reliance on fossil fuels rather than on use of renewables like direct solar, wind and water movements powered by solar absorption.

    And please rise above the people with political agendas and infantile levels of scientific knowledge! We are the animal who should know better given our voracious appetites for eating and our prodigious excretory capacities. We waste and destroy so much we have yet to understand. I think God is Dead because we think God's creation is to be raped for pleasure and temporary comfort. Who cares if only a few rich guys will survive once they figure how to get to another place by living in space like the nasty viruses straight out of sci-fi. LOL3X e-squared. One things for sure,  GW is just a symptom of a greater problem--human stupidity!!

    BTW, did you see this: By Michael Perry

    Tue Aug 12, 12:32 AM ET

    SYDNEY (Reuters) - Elephant seals swimming under Antarctic ice and fitted with special sensors are providing scientists with crucial data on ice formation, ocean currents and climate change, a study released on Tuesday said.


    The seals swimming under winter sea ice have overcome a "blind-spot" for scientists by allowing them to calculate how fast sea ice forms during winter.

    Sea ice reflects sunlight back into space, so less sea ice means more energy is absorbed by the earth, causing more warming.

    "They have made it possible for us to observe large areas of the ocean under the sea ice in winter for the first time," said co-author Steve Rintoul from Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO).

    Conventional oceanographic monitoring from ships, satellites and drifting buoys, cannot provide observations under sea ice.


  5. I'm not sure, but I think that polar bears have been put on the endangered species list as a result of Global Warming.  There was a pretty big push to put them there a few months ago, but I'm not totally sure if that ever got past Congress.

  6. pretty much all of them.

    polar bears and stuff are a biggy

  7. There have been three creatures protected under the endangered species act due to global warming:

    -Elk-horn coral

    -Stag-horn coral

    -Polar bears

  8. there are tons being affected. More and more becoming endangered. Some cannot survive in the heat, and some homes are being destroyed. Polar Bears are number one. Penguins too.

  9. global warming doesnt exist

    its a pattern in the earth's weather

  10. Polar bears

  11. No animals are endangered because of global warming, because gw is a hoax. The earth is just going through normal temperature fluctuations that have been occurring since the beginning of time.

    The REAL threat to animal species is overpopulation. If you don't believe me, think about how many new strip malls and housing developments have gone up recently in your own community. People need to stop having so many kids or we're going to overrun the planet.

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