
What are the environmental issues of africa?

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better if in tagalog? but can you still state some? please? badly needed.. thanks




  1. UH AIDS !

  2. Hello Panapan

    Africa is Big Continent in the world. It have lot of Zoological Park/Botanical Park/Desert like Sahara/Dry Lands/Big Rivers also.

    Africa's Population is more. Because of Population it is difficult to Mobilising the People House/Colony.

    Slowely Forest are damaging by Cutting Trees/Killing Animals for Meat/Killing elephant for Ivory/Killing Turtles for meat etc.

    Please note that Animals/Birds are doing major role in Eco System.

    The following steps to be taken.

    1. Reduce the Population

    2.Speading Awarness about Eco System-O-zone Layer/Global Warming.

    3.Action to be taken againt Drought in Sudan/Ethiopia/Sahara Countries

  3. Water is low, dry lands, animals need clean water so healthier people and area around them

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