
What are the essential management skills?

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What are the management skills one has to have to manage, and how do these developed?




  1. All of these things mentioned, plus a good manager should never tell someone to do something that they would not do themself if they had the ability, skill, time, etc.

  2. Treat people with respect and realise everyone doesn't understand as quickly as you.

    Listen and think before jumping in with ideas. Jot down if need be. Qualified people are excellent for information. Respect their ideas.

    Interact with others, keeping a slight distance.( I haven't explained that right) You can't be mates and in charge as well until you earn that privilege. Be friendly of course. Not matey as such.

    Always be versatile. There are many others out there who have been in the industry longer. They know a lot from experience.

  3. A manager is a leader, so good leadership skills are very important. There are several things that are important to managing people.

    1. Involve them in the decision making process. This doesn't mean you are going to let them make every decision, but it does mean that they should have input into decisions that are important to their lives. Just having their say is sometimes enough.

    2. A leader should be a constant learner and remember that he or she can learn a ton of things from their workers. That is why getting input is so important. A group of people can think of things that no one person could possibly think of alone.

    3. Handle correction carefully and wisely.  If an employee is doing something incorrectly, the leader should intervene in a quiet way, even if they feel angry. The moment you pounce on someone, you will have an enemy for life and you will constantly have to watch your back. That person will foment revolution while appearing to be compliant.

    4. Develop skills that allow you to steer a group without taking over their process. This allows them to think they have done things themselves, which boosts morale.

    5. Read the Tao of Leadership. I have used that as my managerial bible and I have had nothing but success. My employees are happy and fulfilled and we get the job done. What else can you ask?

    6. Develop a sense of humanity and don't plot against someone with another favored employee. This will cause you nothing but trouble. Keep things to yourself or between you and the troubled employee. This is professionalism.

    7. Greet people every day with a smile. I mean every DAY. People really take note of this and it is part of your role to greet them first.

  4. Good communicator.

    Managing people.


    Be able to listen.

    Pro active.

    There are courses for most of these,but to b honest most experience comes through doing the job.

  5. good decision making

    goal setting

    analytical skills

    manpower and material management and utilisation

    good value(being humane, moral and ethical) base

    Motivation, initiative, imagination

  6. Good communicator.

    Be able to listen.

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