
What are the essential ways to enable people raise their moral values ?

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What are the essential ways to enable people raise their moral values ?




  1. Well, is there a way? People don't seem to have the same sense of right and wrong anymore. Its all about greed and selfishness, and doing what you want, when you want, and stuff everyone else. I don't know how you can change that. You need to get people to feel that the *right* way is the better way....and nobody is gonna do that for free. :)

  2. Morality refers to an obligation to obey universal law.  For example, that slavery is wrong now, in the past, for the future, for all societies.  Universal law requires a lawgiver and that can only be God.  Only those people who believe in God can reason that they have an obligation to this law.  Others may have feelings about murder, for example, but there is no obligation to obey a feeling.

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