
What are the essentials to bowling in terms of skills?

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What are the essentials to bowling in terms of skills?




  1. 1. You need to hold the bowling ball with your middle, ring fingers, and your thumb.

    2. You need to find a starting point before you approach the start of the lane (the foul line)

    3. You need to be able to take the same steps the same way every time you go to throw the ball.

    4. You need to have flexible shoulders/arms ( i know this isn't a skill sorry) so you can get a good backswing (this is a skill).

    5. You need to have good hand-eye coordination (aiming the ball to roll over one of the arrows the same way every time)

    6. Patience.

  2. the thing about bowling is repetition.  Once you find your line, you need to bowl the same way every single time. Standing in the same exact spot (sometimes you need to adjust to a fraction of a board), hold the ball the same way, including thumb position, same approach/delivery speed, same rotation on ball, etc.   It sounds a lot easier than it really is.  Also you need to know when it's time to adjust and change your line even if you are only moving a 1/2 board over.  It's a very technical sport.

  3. 1.  Natural skill, not having a death grip on the ball and having a natural pendulum swing helps.

    2.  Ability to endure at least three games during league is a plus too, because as you get more advanced and bowl tournaments, more games in one block of bowling can occur.

    3.  Good balance and good timing at the line after approach and when releasing the ball is a required skill.

    4.  Good sportsmanship goes a long way in bowling because if you get frustrated during bad shots, your game and average will decrease while you stay angry.

    5.  Take lessons from certified USBC coaches, purchase your own equipment to fit your hands and style and practice if you are serious about improving in the sport of bowling.

    6.  Being able to breathe in rhythm with your delivery, focusing on your target and also taking your time is a great way to relax but having fun is the most important thing of all.  

  4. The ability to swing a 8-16 pound ball is a requirement.  Outside of that is practice to learn how to properly roll the ball.

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