
What are the ethical and moral issues surrounding nuclear energy?

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What are the ethical and moral issues surrounding nuclear energy?




  1. Ethically the major question with nuclear energy is "Do we have the right to inflict the waste product of a fuel which was used to produce OUR power  on hundreds of generations to come .

    We have no way of knowing if there will ever be a safe way to dispose of nuclear waste and therefore we may be condemning our descemdents to live with this deadly substance in perpetuity.

    Did your grandparents leave you the contents of their greasetrap. And would you have appreciated it if they had?

  2. Ethical would be us looking like hypocrites because we do not want other countries producing it or creating nuclear power plants.  In fact we went to war over another country having the material to produce nuclear weapons.  So what would that make the United States look like when we tell other countries not to build nuclear power plants?  *WHO ARE WE*?

    It would be just right out wrong morally because of the waste nuclear power produces and the dangers it is to humanity. Especially when we know this but yet still do it for money sake.

    click on  the link below that explains 10 reasons why not to go nuclear.

  3. Using the otherwise untapped energy available in the uranium nucleus for beneficial uses is no better or worse than diverting solar and wind energy from their normal destinations to beneficial uses.

  4. Only issues CREATED are in the twisted minds of Environmentalists.

    You could read how the French provide 75+% of their electricity via nuclear power plants:

    And how they reprocess the fuel to create very little waste.

    - But I doubt you will.

    You probably only read and trust leftists WhakoPedia that demeans and spreads fear of nuclear power.

    The whako enviros won't even allow wind farms or solar farms, this should make thinking people see their true agenda = world depopulation/Eugenics.

  5. That's a good question. I know part of the ethical side is the paranoia of creating nuclear weapons (thus, starting a new nuclear arms "race"), plus it would make us look like huge hypocrits if we were such advocates of not using nuclear (anything) and then went and did it ourselves. That's probably the number one issue. Morally, I don't think there is much wrong with it. It's brilliant if done right (Chernobyl = not done right) and not used as a weapon.

  6. Nuclear energy is actually safer than other forms of energy! i know that sounds crazy, but thing of Nuclear energy as equivalent to flying in an airplane, and regular electricity as driving a car. With the airplane, the accidents are less frequent, but more disastrous. With a car, they are pretty common, but not as horrible (though, in the case of electricity, they add up to be pretty awful). Nuclear energy, as long as it is treated properly, is better for the environment. People are afraid of it, but how many actual melt-downs have there been? And when did they occur? Back when the technology was new, right? Electricity (from coal, I believe) is non-renewable, and gives off CO2. Of course, I, personally, would go for wind, solar, or water power any day.

  7. Nuclear energy can kill millions of people if something goes wrong.

  8. The key issue and problem is what to do with the waste.

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