
What are the ethnic differences between Haitians and American blacks?

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I met and saw many Haitians in the Dominican Republic and thought that they were very different than American Blacks. They had different facial structures and darker skin(often licorice black).

I don't think this is just because there is less European blood in Haitians. Did they come from different countries compared to American blacks?




  1. american blacks can come from so many diffrent tribes of africa and haitians are from nay diffent tribes as well both have lost thee tribal roots and language, how ever haitians are of many diffrent backgrounds 92 percent are of africa nanncestory while 2-3 percent are mixed of nativo anccestory and black while over 4 percent are mullato usally mixed of black and french or other european or even middle eastern anncestory the reamaining groups are made up of pure arab decent i dont know the numbers but most of them are of lebanesse ancestory and 25 jewish haitians still remain, most of the european haitians are french , italian, and some are german polish and sometimes of hispanic background even some of asian background,  but most america blacks that trace their anncestory back to slave days are mixed, more haitians about 92 percent are of pure african decent little to no ,mixing being that the white populace has been so little since the revoloution.

  2. The differences are the places that their are from and Haitians can have French or Hispanic roots too. Americans Blacks are mixed with White and Native Americans. For example I'm dutch, black ,and native american.

  3. The answer is simple. Hatians are decendance of the orginal blood lines that were shipped in from Africia as slaves. If you compare them to the indiginous people from the countries in which they were taken you will see simlar features.

    The Africian-American community has been intergrated with several other races, suce as hispanic,native american, asian, and they many other european races. That is why we are the great melting pot.

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