
What are the evironmental repercussions for eating fish?

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Both farm and wild caught. Thanks.




  1. Well, overfishing is a big problem and can cause extinction of some fish species.  Another problem is domestic fishing, because they feed domesticated fish smaller fish, and those smaller fish often are from polluted waters so they contain toxins.  Those fish then eat the toxic fish and are then consuming more and more toxic fish, and we end up eating them.  That is how tuna has some mercury in it.  That can get bad when we do it too much, so yeah, thats about as much as i can say about it.

  2. I eat fish all the time and nothing's ever happened to me (although, lately they do taste of pollutants)

  3. farm fish are the best to eat as that is what they are raised for just like pigs,cattle,chickens.These fish are raised is tanks or screened in tanks in larger bodies of water,The fish are raised to market size and then harvested on site all after market materials from the fish{guts and heads} are then processed into fish emulsions for fertilizers or repelletized for feed for the next batch of young fish.Wild caught fish who knows what gets in the nets and the energy used for the boats makes the wild fishery more environmental unfriendly

  4. If you don't know much about the sustainability of the fish you're buying or eating, you could be contributing to environmental impacts such as overfishing, habitat damage, bycatch (when the wrong species are caught) and disruptions to the marine food chain. But, with a  little care in your shopping decisions, you can make an informed choice that supports those fisheries that carefully look after our seafood resources and the marine environment. By looking for the Marine Stewardship Council's independent eco-label on seafood, you can buy fish that comes from a certified sustainable fishery. This is a credible, international label that helps consumers identify fish from a sustainable source and gives a simple easy way to support sustainable fishing. MSC labelled seafood is available in retailers and restaurants in 36 countries - find out your local source at

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