
What are the factors that will affect peoples standard of living in the future?

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Thanks falcon, I know the general like social factors etc, but like specific? Like, what techonolgical factor will improve peoples standard of living in the future? Genetic enginerring or something?

Thanks a lot




  1. Standard of living would be affected by Inflation,Growth rate and Unequal or equal/proper distribution of wealth..

    The stronger the economy, the better the living standards and vica versa..

    Also technology with modern sophisticated gadgets to make the task easier would make it easier for people to live and work.

    Things like genetic engineering are a plus when it comes to science and technology and maybe there would be a boom in other sectors too..Renewable energy and biofuels have been seen as some great alternatives to the pricey and non renewable energy that we have now.

  2. food, technology, health

  3. development of developing countries, the economies of countries will change.

    technology is anotehr factor

    tv, society is becoming more open as years pass by..

    wars taking place

    the development of nuclear weapons

    Holographic technolgy like heliodisplay

    go to

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