
What are the factors which create stress when driving a car, and how do you avoid it?

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I've noticed when I'm out on trips, I don't seem to plan very well for it, and I tend to assume I know roads and situations very well, but I still find myself getting caught in stressful traffic jams.




  1. just realize there is nothing you can do to prevent running into a traffic jam, the best advice i can offer, from driving in chicago daily in a semi, is to give yourself plenty of distance between the cars in front of you, dont get too bent out of shape when someone cuts you off, and just go with the flow. dont be in a hurry, give yourself a little extra time to get to where you are going, try to occupy your mind with some non-stressful music, and for the love of pete, use your signal when you're making a lane change and be kind to us truckers.

    it takes us a lot longer to stop an 80,000 pound truck.

  2. I hate traffic jams. They are a constant nightmare in my area. The worst traffic jams are on the freeways so I just take the lower roads to get where I'm going. Less stress, saves fuel (idling in traffic jams wastes more gas than going through 3 or 4 signal lights), and you'll get to your destination sooner. Always, always, always keep a current map in your car, just in case you get lost. I like the spiral bound type because they're easier to handle in a car.

  3. The main this that would create this would be you and what is on your mind, try relaxing and just enjoy..

  4. do you fell stress  out of the car and around traffic  like in the city do you live in the city ?  just trying to get a grasp hear.

  5. Like you have said, unplanned journey, poor time management, unlearned road maps, fear, undeciededness, little knowledge on weather focust e.t.c

    So my, next time, before you set out, plan well for your journey(how long it will take you to get there,including your breaks-(you can choose not to include them if its not soo long)but its important), know the weather of the place you are going to and leaving from, take time to know the traffic flow of the routes you are going to use, And so on..

    Thanks for asking

  6. This is a complete natural factor. Basicaly if   you don't know

    the roads. If you know the roads, equal happen that you sleep

    in long trip.


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